İngilizce Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Proje Savunma Süreçleri

Non-Thesis Master's Program Project Defense Process

The project defense processes for non-thesis master's programs within our Institute will be conducted according to the following phases.

Phase 1: Pre-Defense Process

Before the project defense in non-thesis master's programs, the following steps and forms must be completed:

  1. Students who have completed their term projects must contact their advisors for plagiarism screening of their projects.

  2. The plagiarism screening will be conducted by the advisor using the "TURNITIN" plagiarism detection program. The plagiarism rate must be 15% or below (excluding quotes) or 30% or below (including quotes) for students to submit their term project.

  3. If the plagiarism rate is 15% or below (excluding quotes) or 30% or below (including quotes), the advisor must fill out the following forms:

    • “SBE.FR.002 - Term Project Plagiarism Report Suitability Letter”
    • “ENO.FR.026 - Exam Date Notification Form”

    Additionally, the plagiarism result and the page of the thesis in Word or PDF format should be attached. All required signatures must be completed, and the forms should be sent via email to

Phase 2: Defense Process

During the project defense process in non-thesis master's programs, the following steps and forms must be completed:

  1. The student presents their Term Project on the designated date.

Phase 3: Post-Defense Process

After the project defense in non-thesis master's programs, the following steps and forms must be completed:

If the student is successful after the presentation:

a. Fill out the following forms:

  • “SBE.FR.002 - Term Project Plagiarism Report Suitability Letter”
  • “ENO.FR.026 - Exam Date Notification Form”
  • “ENO.FR.049 - Master’s Term Project Evaluation Form”
  • “ENO.FR.050 - Master’s Term Project Submission Form”
  • “Term Project in Word and PDF format”
  • “ENO.FR.012 - Clearance Certificate”

b. The necessary information must be entered on the Graduate Information System outputs obtained from and signed, then emailed by the advisor to

The student must also complete and submit: a. “ENO.FR.049 - Master’s Term Project Evaluation Form” b. “ENO.FR.050 - Master’s Term Project Submission Form” c. One electronic copy (CD/DVD/USB) of the Term Project d. “ENO.FR.012 - Clearance Certificate”

These documents must be submitted in person to the Institute. Upon completion of these submissions, graduation procedures will be finalized within a minimum of 15 days and a maximum of 1 month.

Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi
Erasmus Koordinatörlüğü
Bologna Eşgüdüm Koordinatörlüğü
Elektronik Belge Yönetim Sistemi
Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı
Performans Analiz Sistemi
Öğrenci E-posta Girişi
Personel E-posta Girişi
Trakya Üniversiteiler Birliği
Kalite Geliştirme Koordinatörlüğü
KLU Mezunlar Portalı
Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemi